Arrowhead Monument - Old Fort
The 14.5 foot pink granite arrowhead sits atop a river rock base of more than fifteen feet and is installed within what was originally intended to be a pool of water. It is located in front of the Old Fort Train Depot.
The monument was constructed to symbolize the peace agreement made between two Native American tribes, the Cherokee and Catawba. At one time the tribes were bitter enemies and as 6,000 persons looked on the two chiefs formally smoked the pipe of peace on July 27th, 1930. Represented by the Cherokees were Chief Tahquittee, Chief Sam T. Blue, and the Catawbas' Chief Carl Standing Deer.
The marker was unveiled by Margaret Marie Nesbitt, nine-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Nesbitt of Old Fort, and direct descendant of one of the first settlers of the valley. The Rev. J. C. Umberger of Old Fort Methodist Church pronounced the Benediction. Music was furnished by the Bugle and Drum Corps of Gastonia; and the Marion and Old Fort Bands. Mrs. George Sandlin was General Chairman of the Program Committee.
The monument is also included on the Boone Highway Trail, marker number 30. Read more about the monument, trail, and history here.