Helene Recovery: McDowell County Travel and Safety Updates



Spirit Icons with Liz Meyer

1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Sat, Jul 15, 2023
Arrowhead Gallery and Studios

Spirit dolls protect your home and loved ones, aid in divination, draw devotion and love or good fortunes, keep secrets, act as recipients for offerings to ancestors and familial spirits, bring comfort, and aid in expression of emotions. Some materials will be provided, however, bringing your own “special talismans” will make your doll truly unique. A button from a shirt, a sacred rock or shell, twigs or sticks from your home, a fabric you cherish…whatever “speaks” to you. Cost is $30 A3L members, $40 nonmembers. Call Arrowhead Gallery, 828-668-1100 for more information or to register. Class limited to 8 so SIGN UP SOON!

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