Helene Recovery: McDowell County Travel and Safety Updates



McDowell Moves 2023

All Day
Sat, Oct 21, 2023
Corpening Memorial YMCA

McDowell Moves is a day to get out and walk, hike, or in some way move for fitness and health. Join in any of the 10 scheduled hikes and walks throughout the day or hike or walk on your own and help us celebrate Great Trails State Day, as a part of the 2023 Year of the Trail in North Carolina!

A special event - Faith, Fitness & Health - will begin at 10:00 at Corpening Memorial YMCA with music and walks on the Y greenway. Event starts at 9:00am but additional hikes for the day will have different start times.

Full details and registration is found on the MTA website:

You may also contact https://mcdowelltrails.org/contact/

Great Trails State Day with McDowell Moves